Abduction Questionnaire

please take the abduction questionnaire to better help determine if you may have had an abduction experience

You may suspect that you have been visited by non-human entities and are seeking additional information with regard to your experience.

A high score does not necessarily indicate that you have been contacted by non-human entities, nor does a low score indicate that you have not been contacted it is simply an indication of what you may have in common with other abductees, This is not a quize but simply a questionnaire, it does not determine whether you are an abductee or experiencer, simply  it is easier to determain whether you may or not be an abductee.

If you would like me to contact you in regards to your possible experience please let me know. theufos@yahoo.com -T


                              Alien abductee/Experiencer questionnaire 

Ask yourself


  1. Have you ever had missing or lost time of any length of time with no prosaic explanation?


2.Have you ever had a close encounter with a UFO?


3.Have you ever suffered from sleep paralysis ?


4.Have you ever had odd dreams of UFO's or its occupants?


  1. Have you ever observed a UFO near your house, vehicle, school, tent, etc. prior to or during your abduction?


  1. Do you consciously recall part of an abduction experience without the use of regressive hypnosis?


  1. Have you had recurring dreams/nightmares about alien abductions?


  1. Do you have an inordinate fear of alien abduction that affects your everyday life?


  1. Have you had back or neck problems *(specifically the T-3 vertebrate)


  1. Have you had electronics around you malfunction or go haywire with no explanation? ( such as TVs, street lights, watches, phones, etc.


  1. Have you awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained?


  1. Have you had chronic sinusitis or nasal issues?


  1. Do you have the feeling that you are going crazy even thinking about these things?


  1. Have you ever awoken with marks (burns, cuts, or bruises) on your body that have no explanation and could not be caused by you or your partner?


  1. Have you awoken with odd blood stains on your pillow or bed with no explanation how it got there?


  1. Do you have an extreme Aversion towards the subject of UFO's and abductions or feel compelled to research the phenomena?


  1. Have you suffered from self esteem problems much of your life?


  1. Have you had odd dreams about destruction or devastation?


  1. Do you feel a Strong connection with humanity and have a strong need to do social work and help the environment?


  1. For women only: Have you had a false pregnancy or missing fetus?


  1. Have you awoken Startled in the middle of the night?


  1. Do you feel you have a cosmic awareness ( an interest in ecology, environmental matters or are socially conscious?


  1. Do you have a strong sense of an important task or mission to preform but do not know why or where it came from?


  1. Have you had dreams of eyes such as animal eyes,(for example owl, deer eyes) or remember seeing an animal looking in at you?


  1. Have you ever had a strong reaction to the cover of communion or pictures of alien's?


  1. Does your family have a history of abduction and contact in their lives?


  1. Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD?


  1. How old were you when your encounters started?


  1. Have you seen Hooded figures in or near your home or next to your bed?


  1. Do you have insomnia or sleep disorders which are puzzling to you?


  1. Do you suffer from frequent or sporadic headaches?(specifically sinus, behind one eye, or the ear)


  1. Do you have a sporadic or frequent ringing in your ears?


  1. Do you have an unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment?


  1. Do you have dreams of medical doctors or medical procedures?


  1. Have you ever been hypnotically regressed?


  1. Do you consciously recall being examined on an alien craft?


  1. Do you ever have the strange but familiar sensation you will have an abduction experience that night and do?


  1. Do you ever have the urge or compulsion to go camping, go for a drive, go for a walk to an out of the way or unknown area?


  1. Have you awoken with conjunctivitis, hair loss, burns, bruises, or abrasions and memories of an abduction or contact experience?


  1. Have you had multiple UFO sightings up-close in your life?


  1. Do you feel that something is holding you back in life on an emotional level, or have trouble connecting with people and relationships?


  1. Have you ever heard voices or witnessed any form of paranormal activity in your home?


  1. Do you feel you have psychic experiences, are sensitive or intuitive especially if after an abduction memory?


  1. Can you feel a foreign object in your body that you suspect is an alien implant?


  1. Have you awoken to find yourself dressed in someone else's clothing or your own clothing backwards or inside out with no explanation?


  1. (For Females only) Have you ever experienced gynecological issues that you suspect is related to an abduction experience?


  1. Have you ever awoken in your bed to see intruders in your home only to become paralyzed and then have an abduction experience?


  1. Have you ever hear strange code like beeping in your ears similar to tinnitus or hear telepathic messages in your head with no explanation?


  1. Do you have a marker memory of insects, babies, needles, doctors, big eyes, owls, deer's, etc.


  1. Have you ever been diagnosed as having Reactivated Mononucleosis, Chronic Fatigue, or immune Dysfunction Syndrome?


  1. Do you have an odd memory that seemed like a dream but was not a dream?


  1. Have you tried to resolve these issues with little to no success?


  1. Have you been prone to having addictive or compulsive behavior?


  1. Have you experienced synchronicity's on a regular basis?


  1. Have you had a memory of flying through the air which could not be a dream?


  1. If you have seen a UFO how close where you? (estimation)


  1. Have you seen odd balls of light or flashes of light in or around your home?


  1. Have you had any odd experiences relating to the Abduction or UFO phenomena that is not in popular culture and may seem odd but its what you remember?


  1. Have you ever had a shared experience of seeing a UFO or being abducted with someone else?


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